Personal Narrative By: Erica Murray

Posted by THS First Glance | 11:59 AM | 0 comments »

Ever since I was young, I’ve dreamed big, of reach the stars. I’ve spent a lot of time thinking of how I would like my life to be when I grow up and the things that I want to do.

But unfortunately I didn’t have the childhood that I dreamed of. I’m one of those kids who were brought up on violence. I’ve seen people get beat over the littlest thing. My life through my eyes was never easy.

Once I got to the age where I could make my own decisions I realized that the streets weren’t for me. I can do something better with my life and, that I was put on this earth for a purpose. I believe that when its time my purpose will reveal itself.

I was five years old when I found the Boys and Girls Club, the place that would shape me and push me towards my dreams. I have been a member at the Boys and Girls Club for 13 years, and I have been an employee for two and a half years. The staff at the Boys and Girls Club has truly become my second family. Through all the hardship in my life, the staff has helped me to persevere.

I was once told that I wasn’t smart that everyone in my family was smart but me. Most people would let things like that bring them down. Instead, I stood my own and proved to people that I am smart, that I am someone, and I received two 4.0s. Having negative people around me, people who didn’t believe in me, was my motivation.

All of this led me to become Youth Of The Year of the Boys and Girls Club of Oakland. Being in this program and helping my community I have received Nemours scholarships which is almost enough for me to pay for all four years of college. I have competed in and won two competitions in order to hold the spot that I do now. These competitions weren’t easy. I wrote over eleven essays on different things I didn’t give up.

I remember the people who said that I wasn’t nerve smart and I look at them now and say, “ My purpose has come out.”


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