Bye Bye Electronics

Posted by THS First Glance | 10:56 AM | 0 comments »

By: Preetika Chaudhary

There has been a rumor around school that our freedom, the very little amount that we still have, may be taken away from us. I’m talking about the freedom to use our phones and electronic devices at lunch. Have students really pushed it to the limit that Tennyson high’s administration wants to change the rule so that we cant use phones and electronic devices at school including lunch?

“Electronic devices are prohibited during instructional hours from 8 AM to 3:15 PM, but what Tennyson has done in the past is bend the rule, we understand that our students love to be in communication with their friends. Texting, talking, gossiping, you name it. All the fun stuff about being a teenager,” said A.P. Ms. Ortiz.
Will it even be possible to enforce this rule? If the school administration wants to stop phone and electronic use then money will be a big issue. With the little money that we get will go to our school but not our education, meaning books and supplies.
In a week, the AP’s picked up around seventy hats, fifty-three cell phones, forty-nine ipods, seventeen red shirts, and five blue garments. This is the reason that they might not allow it next year. “The teachers are having a hard time enforcing those rules. They’re taking a lot of instructional time away from the students because they have to micro manage these students by telling them ‘put it away’. Its just ridiculous to be spending all that time on something that is not learning,” said Ms. Ortiz.

Students don’t feel that it’s fair that they might not be able to use their electronic devices at lunch. An anonymous student said, “I think it’s horrible. I feel like something is missing out of me. Like I am nothing.”
Will this rule really be enforced next school year? What can we do so that it doesn’t happen? Well just have to wait and see.


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